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Southern Pygmy Perch are a small native fish, usually found in small streams or swamps of Southeastern Australia. They are ideal for mosquito control in small garden ponds and being tadpolefriendly, are also quite suitable for frog ponds. They can also be kept in unheated aquaria (including Nano Tanks).
Southern Pygmy Perch are a small native fish, usually found in small streams or swamps of Southeastern Australia. They are ideal for mosquito control in small garden ponds and being... Southern Pygmy Perch are a small native fish, usually found in small streams or swamps of Southeastern Australia. They are ideal for mosquito control in small garden ponds and being...
Water Temperature
Water Requirements
Pygmy Perch will eat aquarium fish foods such as small slowsinking pellets, and frozen or live foods. They greatly benefit from a varied diet, and if being fed dry foods, they relish receiving frozen food treats such as Aquarium Industries Frozen Brine Shrimp, Bloodworm or Daphnia, these fresh foods help stimulate their appetite. Also excellent for controlling mosquito wrigglers in garden ponds. Breeding Southern Pygmy Perch are egglayers, scattering their eggs on water plants and over the substrate. This fish comes into breeding season in winter (in nature coinciding with water levels starting to rise due to winter rains, and food becoming more abundant as a result). They typically spawn throughout late winterspring as water temperatures rise into the midhigh teens. After hatching, the free swimming baby fish require small live foods such as infusoria and baby brine shrimp. Pygmy Perch will readily breed in a garden pond and can create a selfperpetuating population. Sexes can only easily be distinguished when the fish are in breeding colours: males are more brightly coloured and slightly slimmer compared to gravid females.
Pygmy Perch will eat aquarium fish foods such... Pygmy Perch will eat aquarium fish foods such...
Food Types

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