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Harmonious colours & tranquil styleNeolamprologus brichardi was one of the first cichlids to be introduced into the aquarium hobby. Since then, many hobbyists have had the pleasure of keeping this very forgiving and hardy fish, while experiencing its surprisingly maternal nature when breeding. It is the only known fish in Africa that is seen to have a collective nursery. Uniquely, previous generations all contribute in the multigenerational nurturing of the next. In the home aquarium if size is permitting, its common to see the parents allowing many generations of fry to stay within their territory, and these older fry will assist the parents in guarding the new. For more Care Sheets like this, visit our website: 2013
Harmonious colours & tranquil styleNeolamprologus brichardi was one of the first cichlids to be introduced into the aquarium hobby. Since then, many hobbyists have had the pleasure of keeping this... Harmonious colours & tranquil styleNeolamprologus brichardi was one of the first cichlids to be introduced into the aquarium hobby. Since then, many hobbyists have had the pleasure of keeping this...
Water Temperature
24 - 26
Water Requirements
7.5 - 8.0
Peaceful, likes to swim in schools
In the aquarium, this fish will eagerly recognise prepared foods, such as pellets and flakes, but it is recommended to supplement their diet with frozen and live food, such as Brine or Mysis shrimp. We use and recommend Aquarium Industries Naturals Range Frozen Brine Shrimp, and Frozen Mysis Shrimp.
In the aquarium, this fish will eagerly recognise... In the aquarium, this fish will eagerly recognise...
Food Types
Carnivorous; live, AI Frozen & dry foods

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