Attractive black & white stripesA lot of people think that Black Neon tetras and Neon tetras are the same types of fish; this is not true. Although having the same names (Neon) these fish are completely different and have variations on the water quality they will live in and the level of difficulty in keeping them. Keeping them in a tank with plants will let them hide under the leaves and make them feel less stressed.
Attractive black & white stripesA lot of people think that Black Neon tetras and Neon tetras are the same types of fish; this is not true. Although having the same... Attractive black & white stripesA lot of people think that Black Neon tetras and Neon tetras are the same types of fish; this is not true. Although having the same...
Water Temperature
22 - 26
Water Requirements
6.5 - 7.0
Peaceful active community fish
Black Neon Tetras are an omnivore and will feed on live foods such as brine shrimp and live black worm. They also readily take a variety of fish foods such as flake and TetraMin Tropical Crisps.
Black Neon Tetras are an omnivore and will... Black Neon Tetras are an omnivore and will...
Food Types
Will eat any aquarium fish food
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